Friday, 24 November 2017

Graph API : Get all the Office 365 Groups Owned by a user

There is a Graph API endpoint to get all the Office 365 Groups a user is Member of. The filter is used to get only the Office 365 Groups.

I wanted to retrieve all the Groups that a user owns, however there is no "ownerOf" endpoint. The endpoint ownedObjects can be used to retrieve this data. 

For the current user :

For a specific user : 

However this endpoint returns all the directory objects the user is owner of.  When I tried to $filter on this endpoint, it did not work ! Through the Graph explorer it appears that at the time of writing this, $filter to this endpoint is not currently supported.  So you may just have to retrieve all the data that is returned and then filter on the "groupTypes" property of the group object in your application code.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Custom action term set navigation for SharePoint reusing the SPFx extension sample

There is a great SharePoint Framework extensions sample for navigation using the term store on GitHub . However this can only be used on the Modern pages. I tried to re-use the code of this component to build a custom action that can be used on the classic pages to provide a similar functionality.

Here is the custom action code on GitHub

  • In this, the SPFx specific code is replaced with relevant code that would run on classic pages. The extensions sample uses SPHttpClient and the Context object of SPFx. This has been replaced to use Axios NPM module to make HTTP calls. (SPTermStoreService.ts file changed)
  • The TenantGlobalNavBarApplicationCustomizer.ts has been changed to load the navigation bar when the SharePoint page loads. The SPFx extensions specific code is removed 
  • The modern pages already have react, so the SPFx components when bundled do not include react and react-dom. However, this custom action bundles react and react-dom as well in the final bundle. So there is a custom gulpfile.js with this project that uses Microsoft/gulp-core-build to compile the Typescript and SASS files 
  • The final bundle is generate using webpack through a gulp task.

More details in the GitHub documentation