Sunday, 12 March 2017

Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 4 : External users and group email settings

Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 1 - The Basics
Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 2 - Office 365 Group Team site and permissions
Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 3 - Create groups from several UI options

External users can be added as "Guests" to the Office 365 Group. Here are the details of what guests can and can't do in the group. Only users outside the organizations can be added as "Guests", users that are a part of organizations can be invited and added as regular members.

The external user receives an email and is registered in Office 365 if the user wishes to collaborate in the group.

Email settings for Office 365 Groups :

Office 365 Group email settings can be administered from the Exchange admin. Navigate to the Office 365 Admin center -> Exchange Admin and Groups

This will show you the groups in Exchange, Your Office 365 groups will also be displayed here. Double click on the group or select and click the Edit icon to change the settings of the group in detail

Can external users send emails to Office 365 groups ?

By default, the users outside your organization cannot send email to the Group mailbox. You can edit this setting from the general tab as shown.

Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 3 : The O365 group team site and permissions

Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 1 - The Basics
Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 2 - Office 365 Group Team site and permissions
Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 4 - External users and group email settings

As we saw in the first post, a team site gets provisioned automatically when a new Office 365 group is created. The team site has a "Modern" look and feel. The site can be navigate either through the "Browse Library" link in the Files section or through the "Site" link from the Office 365 group.

Private group team site :

A quick view of the permissions on this site can be seen through the link in the settings wheel and a detailed view can be seen from the link "Advanced permission settings"

The site has default members, visitors and owners groups. The Office 365 group itself is added as a security group to the Members in the SharePoint site and has "Edit" permission level on the site collection.

Public group team site :

The Members group of a Public group team site has "Everyone except external users" added to it. This enables any users in the organization to collaborate in the public group.

Who is the owner of this team site ?

The user who creates the Office 365 Group is provided Full control access through the "Owners" group on the team site. Though I could not see that user when I navigated to the Owners group, this appears to be a bug (?) and may be fixed in the next updates.

What happens when a user is directly added to the team site SharePoint groups ?

When a user is added to the team site group (Members/Owners/Visitors or custom group) directly, the user does not become a part of the Office 365 group. When the user navigates to Outlook, he/she will not be able to see the Office 365 Group user experience even though they would be able to work with the team site separately.

Search :

At the time of writing this, the documents from a Private Office 365 group do not appear in the search results. This feature is in the road map and will be rolled out. Refer to the Office 365 road map to keep updated with this. 

Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 2 : Create groups from several UI options

Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 1 - The Basics
Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 3 - Create groups from several UI options
Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 4 - External users and group email settings

Apart from creating a group from Outlook as shown in Part 1, Office 365 Groups can be created from several other options, few available for Admins and a few available to the users. You can manage the creation of Office 365 Groups in your tenant, refer the Microsoft article :

For Admins

There are other types of 'Groups' available in Office 365 which you will come across while creating an "Office 365" group as an Admin.

Confusing ?!! Here is a list

1. Distribution list
2. Mail enabled security group
3. Security group
4. Distribution group
5. Dynamic distribution group
6. Office 365 Group -> We are dealing with this :)

Create Office 365 groups from :

- Office 365 Admin center - shown in Part 1 of this post.

- Azure Portal

- Exchange online admin center

For Users :

The users can create groups from Outlook, OneDrive, People and Planner. The UI experience for creating a group from all these portals is almost the same except for Planner. An Office 365 group is automatically created when a user creates a new Plan in the planner hub.

The groups created through any of these options are provisioned with the full features of Office 365 groups like team site, calendar, notebook, planner etc.

Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 1- The basics

Office 365 Groups is a service intended to be used by people in an organization collaborating closely on things like business proposal, event, a project or for open interaction between a wider audience . It utilizes the existing collaboration tools like document sharing, emails, conversations and planner already available in Office 365 and brings these under a single collaboration experience. It is a quick and easy way to set up all you need to collaborate within a team.

Note : All the content posted in this series is subject to "At the time of writing". Since Microsoft releases updates to the Office 365 functionalities often, I suggest you refer to the Office 365 road map to lookout for any updates in the functionalities.I will try my best to update these posts whenever new features are added to the groups in Office 365.

Here is the complete series of posts

Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 2 - Office 365 Group Team site and permissions
Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 3 - Create groups from several UI options
Office 365 Groups ecosystem Part 4 - External users and group email settings

Who can create Office 365 groups ?

By default, any user in Office 365 can create Groups. The Office 365 admin can also create groups through the Admin center.

For users :

The simplest way to create an Office 365 group is through Outlook. Logon to your Office 365 portal, navigate to Mail. In the Groups section you will see an option to create a group. Click Create, enter the details and you are good to use your new Office 365 group

Each group has an ID, Privacy type and an owner. The owner is by default the user who creates the group.

From the admin center :

Navigate to your Office 365 Admin center, Expand "Groups" section. Select to "Add a group". The type of the group must be "Office 365 group". When a group is created through the admin center, an "Owner" has to be assigned to the group as well.

Once the group is created, the user experience is shown as below.

Types of Office 365 groups.

When you create a Office 365 group, you can specify whether you want a "Public" group or a "Private" group. As the names suggest, the private group is intended only for a specific audience and public group for anybody to collaborate. Let's see how the user experience is in both of these.

For this post, I have created two groups, "Public Collaboration Group" and "Private collaboration group"

I have logged in with a user who does not have access to any groups in Office 365. A user can explore groups in an organizations using the "Discover" option in outlook

A private group shows the members of a group and gives the users an option to "Join" the group.Once the user chooses to join a group, an Email will be sent to the group owner with the request,

A user can start collaborating in a public group directly however should Join the group to be a member of the group and have higher privileges.

What happens in the background when new Office 365 group is created ?

A lot of things get provisioned in Office 365 when a new group is created. Here is a list

In Azure :

A group is created in Azure. An Office 365 group is essentially a group in the Azure Active Directory. Navigate to your Azure portal, Select "Users and Groups". Select Groups and you will see the groups created ib Office 365 there. The type of the group is "Office"

In SharePoint :

A SharePoint team site is automatically created when a group is created. This team site will be used for storing documents, group notebook etc. The URL of this team site is "https://tenant_url/sites/[Office 365 Group ID]". The group ID is the one specified while creating the group. The site can be accessed from the link shown below

In Planner

A plan is automatically created in the Office 365 Planner which is helpful to plan tasks and activities for the group. Planner can be accessed from the link shown below.

In OneNote

A OneNote notebook is created for the group. This notebook is stored in the "Site Assets" of the SharePoint team site created for this group, explained in the above section.

Calendar :

A calendar is also provided for the group to schedule meetings and events within the group.